Armor Safe 3475 – Cash Management Safe


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* Additional discounts may be available.

120 tube vending with drop drawer

The CacheSYSTEM® 3400 series is your next purchase if you need to safely and easily collect and secure cash and dispense change.



All Armor Safes are made with premium grade 80 steel, which is 60% stronger than the cheaper, mild steel found in some cash safes. You’ll also find that same steel in the self-locking vault door that consists of a three 1-inch, chrome-plated locking bolt protected by a drill-resistant hard plate. When you order this smart safe from Monify, you’ll be telling thieves that stealing from you won’t be easy.

The 3400 series ensures greater cash security and employee accountability. Each transaction is tracked through every user’s PIN, plus it’s equipped with a time delay between when the door is locked and a PIN can be entered again — an easy way to scare off potential (and usually nervous) would-be criminals. The Armor Safe saves you time and money by counting your cash for you, allowing you to focus on what’s most important — running your business.


  • Storage, storage, storage: 120-tube vending magazine in five cubic feet of storage space.
  • Easy to load and count: Front-door access offers visual count of change levels.


  • Easy to maintain: All replaceable parts can be accessed from the front part of the safe.

*For a complete cash management solution, see the CacheSYSTEM 7000 series.



Triangle 1.1
Group 1

Audit Trails

Each user has a PIN, and you have over 30 types of receipts and reports to choose from so that you can manage it all.

Group 2

Bill Validation

Single or bulk note bill validators with the highest level of first-time bill acceptance and counterfeit detection.

Group 3


Armor Safe Technologies builds and lays out each board in CacheSYSTEM safes, offering you the flexibility to configure the safe to your unique needs.

Group 4

Storage, Storage, Storage

Up to 120-tube vending magazine and a 2200-note cassette, depending on the model.

Group 5

Easy to Load & Count

Front-door access for a visual count of change levels.

Group 6

Liquid-Resistant Keypad

Spills happen. Don’t let them compromise your cash security.


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Easy Maintenance & Updates

Software updates to this smart safe are completed in minutes. Drawers are designed for easy removal and replacement.

No Hard Drives

Armor safes use flash storage, making it mroe reliable and longer-lasting than a traditional hard drive.

About Armor Safe

All Armor Safes are made with premium-grade 80 steel, which means this smart safe is highly resistant to burglary. Plus, you’ll find that same steel in the self-locking vault door with three 1-inch, chrome-plated locking bolt protected by a drill-resistant hard plate. Because grade 80 steel is significantly stronger, you can have a thinner, lighter safe while retaining high strength and superior cash protection.

The Armor Safe 7000 series ensures greater cash security and employee accountability. Each transaction is tracked through every user’s PIN, and you can assign 10 different privileges to those users. Managers should naturally have more access to the safe, which is why you have the ability to dole out those responsibilities where they need to be.

You can also dispense change from an easy-to-load and easy-to-audit vending magazine. Choose between the 7300, 7100, and 7900W, depending on how much change and how many bill validators you need.

What more could you ask for from your safe? It will do all the tedious work of an accountant and bouncer to provide seamless accounting between your POS and bank.

Cash-in-Transit Services

Protect your assets by storing and transporting your money through secure means. By pairing your smart safe with our Armored Transport Services, you can streamline deposit handling with fewer trips to the bank. When you deposit cash into your Smart Safe, we will fund the next-day deposit based on the captured data from your safe, so you can be sure you will have the right amount of cash available at the right time. When our armored vehicles come to pick up your cash, they can also drop off any change you need so you can reduce the risk of thefts and burglary to your staff. Our Smart Safe systems are optimized to make your cash processing and cash cycle move as smoothly and securely as possible. With real-time reports, you can track your cash throughout the transit process, so you can feel more at ease by knowing where your money is.

Smart Safe Dashboard

Buying a Smart Safe isn’t a purchase, it's an investment in the safety of your business. While your money is secure within these vaults, you can remotely view it from your phone. Use the data collected by your safe to generate dynamic reports and rich analytics that shows every transaction, refund, retrieval, chargeback, and deposit you make. With this information, you can set accurate financial goals for your business that help it grow. The Monify Dashboard also lets you track your cash as it’s transported to your bank with set alerts and real-time data reporting. So you can know when you have access to your funds via ACH transfer as soon as the next day and when your physical cash arrives at your bank. Our comprehensive cash management solutions fit your unique needs that help you grow your business through a complete picture of where your money goes each day.


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